React Native App Development

We can build feature rich iOS, Android or Web Apps Using React and React Native. UK React Native Developers.

React Native logo on a black background

We specialise in crafting applications using React Native for mobile and React (sometimes referred to as ReactJS) for the web. Leveraging the power of these frameworks, we deliver fast, scalable, and highly interactive web and mobile applications that enhance user engagement and experience.

React and React Native, both nurtured and maintained by Facebook, offer a solid foundation for creating applications that are not only responsive and user-friendly but also capable of handling the complexities of today's digital demands with ease. Whether you're aiming to captivate your audience with a sleek web application or engage users on mobile platforms, our expertise in React technologies ensures your project's success from the ground up.

social media map, demonstrating Facebooks scalability

Made and maintained by Facebook

React and React Native are programming frameworks for creating responsive, reactive and scalable applications, on both web and mobile. These frameworks boast a strong open-source community following and were created by Facebook to solve the challenges they encountered in creating their interactive social media apps.

Being open source, you are free to use these technologies within your own app projects.

Various different devices in the palm of someones hands.

A single code base

Traditionally every platform you wanted to launch onto required a completely new application to be developed, meaning brand-new code had to be created in a range different programming languages. Android uses Java, Apple has C#, the web uses JavaScript and PHP, and so on. This has many negative commercial implications. Fragmentation creates logistics challenges with code versioning and deployment, source code cannot be reused across platforms and no single developer is likely to have the full skills to work across all languages and platforms simultaneously.

React Native solves all of these problems, allowing everything to be built using a single language, Javascript. Application programming used on the web is able to be used directly on mobile, creating a single well-maintained code base.

Smart phone with graphs and a world map. Demonstrating scale.

Scalable & component based

The React framework requires new features to be built in the form of components - these can then be used anywhere within the application. For example, you may create a submit button component that can then be used anywhere. If you should want to update your submit processes later, then you can simply extend this button component, or drop it completely in favour for a new approach. This approach also works for larger components, such as payment mechanisms, or reporting tools.

As your application grows, you can be confident that your application has been built in a robust and scalable way that supports future extension. This is exactly the reason why we chose to build MODL app using React.

Choice of apples

Curious about the difference between Web, Native and Hybrid apps?

We've written an in-depth article looking into the differences between each development approach, considering the trade-offs, and helping you to make an informed decision by referencing independent data on the state of React Native.

Read the full article

Interested in using React or React Native for your project?

The best framework to use, whether React or something else, will depend on what you are trying to achieve. It may be that a fully device-native mobile application is more suitable, or it may be best to use React for the application part of the website but not the app.

Please tell us about your project using the contact form. We will have a conversation about the various options available, and present a cost that is tailored to meet your requirements. Where possible, we will provide you with the background knowledge and some guidance to enable you to make an informed decision around the commercial trade-offs.

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Need help building your ideas?

Scorchsoft are expert app and portal developers based in the UK. We have over 14 years experience making rich, functionally complex apps and web apps.

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Experience delivering

ChatGPT & AI App Development Services
ChatGPT App Development (AI Apps)

Integrate ChatGPT into your business with Scorchsoft's AI app development. Enhance capabilities, automation, and personalisation with AI tools like GPT, Bard, and Claude.

Mobile App Development
Mobile App Development (iOS and Android)

Launch a new tech product, improve performance, enable new marketing strategies or introduce new revenue streams.

Portal and SaaS Web App Development Services
Portal and SaaS Web App Development

Engage your customers by developing unique services, and internal processes, that differentiate your business from the competition.

API Development & Integration
API and Systems Integration

Automate manually processes and enable your various systems to talk to each other. Integrate with third party API's to innovate and deliver results.

Internet of Things (IoT) App Development
Internet of Things (IoT, MQTT, Web Services, Apps)

Make your business smarter, more effective, and incredibly responsive with the Internet of Things (IoT and MQTT). As long as a device has WiFi capabilities, you can use it to drive your business forward and improve everyday processes.

In-App Payment Development
Online Pay & In-App Payments

There are now billions of online shoppers around the world and they’ve all got money to spend. Make sure you’re not missing out on potential customers by setting up online and in-app payments.

Cloud Database Development Services
Database Development (SQL & NoSQL)

Store business information in a database structure that supports both project requirements and infrastructure growth. Load balanced databases that support high user numbers and big data.

Single Sign-On Development (SSO)
Single Sign-On (SSO)

Develop bespoke apps and online portals that support your organisation's single sign-on technology. Boost your user experience, save time coordinating accounts between different services, and deliver a cohesive experience between your cloud services.

Google Maps App Development
Map Apps

Track the location of devices and users, display location-based metrics, and business analytics using digital maps.

Video Streaming App Development
Video Capabilities (Calls & Streaming)

Businesses are becoming increasingly global, making remote operation a necessity if you want to grow. By enabling online video calls you your staff, and your customers can carry out work from anywhere in the world.

Penetration Testing Services
Penetration Testing Services

Identify, assess, and mitigate vulnerabilities in your digital infrastructure before attackers can exploit them.

Remote Device Control and Monitoring
Remote Monitoring and Device Control

Send data to the cloud from anywhere in the world. Track devices or services remotely via the web, or mobile applications.

User Experience (UX) Design and Planning
Planning, Discovery, Wireframing & Specifications

Through a detailed specification and visual blueprints of your site or app, you can make sure we’re on the right track.

Data Dashboards for Apps & Portals
Reporting, Charts & Graphs

Record and represent your data online or in-app. Attractive and easy to understand graphs that are accessible across multiple devices.

Instant Messaging
Instant Messaging

Keep connected like never before with instant messaging. You can reach staff, existing customers, and potential clients with ease and customise your tools to suit their needs.

PDF Generation (For Apps, Web apps, and Online Portal)
PDF Generation

Automatically generate documents and resources on-the-fly. Customise by user data, language preference, branding, and more.

Convert Your Spreadsheet to an App (Spreadsheet to App Development Services)
Spreadsheet to App Conversion

Convert your spreadsheet into a fully-functional web or mobile application. Or, use spreadsheets as your data source, sending data to your server, app, or website, at the click of a button.

Online Partner Portals
Partner portals

Manage partners and sales agents whilst enabling bespoke operational requirements. Oversee hierarchies of stakeholders, business units or partner companies.

Data Encryption
Data Encryption

Keep yourself protected with our encryptions services. Have you secured your data? If not, you’re leaving yourself open to hackers who can attack your systems and steal your data.

Quick Quote Apps and Return On Investment (ROI) Apps
ROI and Quoting Apps

Improve conversion rates by showing customers your financial value quickly. Generate leads that contain useful customer metrics to improve sales performance.

Marketing automation
Marketing automation

Automatically email users based on events within your systems or websites. Give users a lead score, and customise responses to nurture and convert.

Multi-site management
Multi-site management

For businesses that have multiple brands, entities or franchises. Manage multiple sites, and businesses, within a single login portal.

Electronic tickets (eTickets) apps and integrations
Electronic tickets (eTickets)

Run your own box office and eliminate ticket printing and postage costs by digitising your tickets. Ticket delivery via your website, email or smartphone.

Website Design (With Complex Requirements)
Website design (For Complex Projects)

Great looking websites, tailored to your brand guidelines. Designs that are optimised based on user behaviour, with the goal of increasing conversions, or encouraging certain behaviours.

Mobile-friendly web app design
Mobile-friendly web app design

Web app design that looks and feels great on mobile, tablet and desktop devices. Increase conversions by optimising messaging and calls to action based on screen size, and user habits.

eCommerce apps and platforms

Websites and apps that allow your customers to transact with you online. Sell products, or generate recurring revenue by implementing a subscription payment model.

Project Management Planning Services (For Tech Projects, Apps, and Portals)
Project Planning, Expertise, and Advice

Every successful project starts with a plan. We’ll work together to create yours, making detailed specifications that outline what you want.

Online Login Portal Development Services
Online Login Portals

Portals with user login, groups, ownership levels, permissions and entitlements. Control your processes while encouraging user engagement.

Featured Case Studies

Hand keyboard

Discover How Scorchsoft Can Help

We would love to hear about your project. Please contact us, and share your goals; we'll respond with our thoughts and a rough cost estimate.

Scorchsoft is a UK-based team of web and mobile app developers and designers. We operate in-house from Birmingham, and our offices are located in the heart of the Jewellery Quarter.

We can deliver your innovative, technically complex project, using the latest web and mobile application development technologies.

Scorchsoft develops online portals, applications, web apps, and mobile app projects. With over fourteen years experience working with hundreds of small, medium, and large enterprises, in a diverse range of sectors, we'd love to discover how we can apply our expertise to your project.

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