Online Document Portal Case Study

Base Solutions' online portal allows easy distribution of their files.

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Online Document Portal Case Study
Online Document Portal Case Study

 A Portal That Automates and Simplifies

When we designed the portal, we created an easy to use, simple platform that made file sharing easy. It creates one single place to work from and removes the manual administrative tasks for the Base Solutions staff, letting staff distribute common files. It also adds branded front pages with the client’s logo, saving valuable time and ensuring consistent branding.

Folder structure

Complex Folder Structure

We create a complex folder structure to allow for the management of files, with both global and company-specific folders. It also allows the admin to manage which files are editable, signified by a clear open or closed padlock. This helps improve time efficiency and prevent mismanagement of files. Admins can also add descriptions the to folders the files are in, and lock them if they’re private or shouldn’t be edited. 





Convertible Documents

Not everyone can view files in the same format. To get around this problem, we ensured it was easy for users to view documents as both Word docs and PDFs, two widely available formats. Some documents also work better as either a Word document or a PDF, giving admin and users the choice to switch between the two.


Easy to View File Information

Accessing file information is essential when running a company like Base Solutions. We ensured that the details were easy to access and relevant, giving staff everything they needed to know about a document. This includes who uploaded the file, its size, a brief description, and the upload date.


folders and documents

An Efficient Portal That’s Easy to Use

Although the portal structure has to be complex to ensure it fulfils Base Solution’s needs, it must be easy to use. Staff wanted a platform that was intuitive, easy to navigate, and allowed them to get their work done quickly. To do this, we added a breadcrumb on the front end of the portal, which simplifies navigation. We also made sure that files could be downloaded on the front end and made auto branding simple. It’s simple to set the order that the files will appear on the front end and send them directly out to customers.




Hand keyboard

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Scorchsoft is a UK-based team of web and mobile app developers and designers. We operate in-house from Birmingham, and our offices are located in the heart of the Jewellery Quarter.

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Scorchsoft develops online portals, applications, web apps, and mobile app projects. With over fourteen years experience working with hundreds of small, medium, and large enterprises, in a diverse range of sectors, we'd love to discover how we can apply our expertise to your project.

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