Advanced Licencing Controls
We created the EngageLime portal to deliver rich, interactive e-learning courses and establish a unique licensing model. This model allows the business to issue credits to schools, enabling them to provide on-demand e-learning within classrooms.

Ability to Create Different User Types on the Back End
The portal allows easy login access from the back end and supports the creation of various user accounts, including admins, teachers, and students. Each user type has distinct roles and permissions tailored to their needs. Admins can manage content and user accounts, teachers can access and distribute educational resources, and students can engage with the materials.
This flexibility ensures that the portal meets the diverse requirements of its users, contributing to its overall success and usability.

Ability to Upload and Deliver Rich Content
Engage Lime required a system to upload content to their license platform to control access effectively. To facilitate this, a framework compatible with Adobe Animate, Vimeo, and HTML5 was created. This allows their team to upload content directly, ensuring the platform remains consistent and seamlessly integrates with the existing portal database structure.

Streamlined Signup Process
Given the diverse technical abilities of school users, the sign-up process needed to be straightforward. A complex system would be impractical and time-consuming for educational purposes. The solution was to assign email suffixes to each school upon sign-up.
When new users sign up using the school's email suffix, they are automatically assigned to the correct school. This streamlined process ensures efficient onboarding, minimises administrative effort, and enhances the user experience.

Packaged Learning Resources
To enhance the platform's usability for both end-users and the Engage Lime team, we implemented the ability to create resource packages through the back end. These packages can be accessed via credits or subscriptions and assigned to specific schools with ease. Additionally, availability time frames can be attached to each package. This feature simplifies resource sharing, gives the Engage Lime team greater control over distribution, and improves overall service quality.