Achieve an excellent return from online marketing.
We work with you and/or your nominated stakeholders to develop your online marketing strategy and the supporting tactics to achieve it or specific objectives within it. Alternatively if you already know your strategy and goals we can work with you to help you achieve them.
Our service:
Our focus will consider the role and value to your business of the latest digital online marketing approaches and potential business processes; including such items as responsive websites, ecommerce and email, pay-per-click advertising, search engine optimisation and the use of blogs, key words, social media, collaboration forums, video, webinars, etc.
Our support can span from the creation of your online plan, marketing and process improvement, through to managing elements of its execution if that is what is most appropriate to help you achieve your specific objectives.
Service aim:
To help you:
- Reflect upon online marketing vehicles and processes; their costs and potential results.
- To create with you your online strategy, marketing plan and action plans to achieve specific business goals.
- Help you execute on your desired online plans and actions.
Online Marketing - Components
Scorchsoft will agree with you which of the following components to adopt to achieve your specific business objective/s. Scorchsoft can develop the plan and support your teams’ running these or we can run these on your behalf if you so desire.
- Responsive web:
- websites
- Ecommerce
- emails
- newsletters
- Dynamic personalised content
- Search engine optimisation
- Blogs
- Online advertising:
- Pay-per-click
- Google Display Network
- Research online
- Use of social media:
- Google+
- Forums
- Use of Cloud based marketing applications:
- Hosted content:
- Video – Images – Presentations
- Pinterest – Flickr – YouTube - etc.
- Online events
- Virtual exhibitions
- Linking to online intelligence and assets
Please also see our Demand Generation and Marketing Automation Services.

- Helping you to decide if your business should be on social media.
- Identifying which social marketing channels are important.
- Up-to-date social market research.
- Recommended approaches to save time and generate leads.

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